Avoiding being overwhelmed by travel

The complexity of travel can lead me to autistic overload. Is it possible to avoid it?

Avoiding being overwhelmed by travel

Avoiding being overwhelmed by travel

In a few weeks, my wife and I are off to a beach in Croatia followed by art in Berlin. We travel by train because travel by map isn’t supported by iOS yet. That means a train to London, to France, to Germany, to Croatia and then back again. It’s a fair few trains. Now, I love a good train as much as the next autistic person but it’s a lot of trips that can leave me overwhelmed. I have a Nintendo Switch, an OG model, that can help with distraction. I would dearly love a Steam Deck as I could lose myself in Baldur’s Gate for the trip, but they don’t fall out of cereal boxes like they should. So I’m left wondering, what other ways can I occupy my brain?

Books? I’m not much of a reader and I need more stimulus than they can offer. Video games are good because there are visuals, audio, stories, something to get stuck into and ADHD dopamine triggers. I don’t get that from reading. I could take my laptop and edit photos but I like the idea of disconnecting from it for a while. There’s sketching, maybe. That requires something visual to stay still while I draw it, and my go to of life models are possibly problematic on a train.

These things are hard to search for online. Any articles on stim toys for adults are buried under ones for kids. I guess people are writing for those who have money to spend, which is silly because autism is hereditary and kids grow into adults so maybe some guides for adults? When Google isn’t recommending articles on stim toys for kids, it offers shopping results including travel vibrators. I mean, technically yes. An adult stim toy. Sure. Not exactly what I was looking to fidget with on the train though.

I found a few helpful links;

Essentially I have to be prepared for being overwhelmed. Accept things I cannot do anything about. Have something with me that allows me to focus and block out the rest of the world. A simple plan. So;

  • Nintendo Switch (charged, updated and USB battery brick)
  • Use the Worry Tree method for dealing with anxiety
  • Headphones to block out sound and give me something to focus on
  • Facemask. Eyes and mouth. Block out light and smells. Some countries are very smoker-heavy.

I don’t think there is much else I can do. There’s no magic stim toy I can buy to help when I’m overloaded, no magic technique. I have to let go and focus on fun. That’s easy, right?

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