[181] Photos from the start of Eurovision.

Welcome to Hello Computer. A newsletter about being different. I’m Pete Carr (they/them) an autistic (awaiting ADHD diagnosis) writer and photographer identifying as non-binary.
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The photos in this post are from the Aquatopia parade launching EuroFest.
Captain’s Log
Eurovision is occurring at home!
No big thoughts this week. My brain has been laser focused on Eurovision prep for weeks. Thinking. Overthinking. Planning.
I’m busy now till Friday with an assortment of commissions. Then what to do for the final 2 days? So much going on.
If you’re not local to Liverpool do watch the show. The city has used every resource to elevate the voices of Ukraine. I’m so proud.
I think it’s streaming on YouTube.

Transporter room
- What Does Being Non-Binary Actually Mean? Your Guide To Gender Fluidity And Being A Good Ally | Grazia
- How did Eurovision become a global Queer phenomenon? | National Museums Liverpool
- Eurovision 2023: Contest inspires Ukraine’s LGBT troops – BBC News

End program
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“Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous.”
Christopher Pike, Captain USS Discovery.
Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter. I’ll be back. Feel free to subscribe or send to a friend.
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petes out 🖖
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