Hello 2024

Hello 2024. Let's reboot this newsletter one more time.

Hello 2024


This week’s photos are from New York on 1st January, 2017. Everywhere was closed so we took a wander across the Brooklyn Bridge.

A Verizon building stands tall over other buildings in NYC.A Verizon building stands tall over other buildings in NYC.

Captain’s Log

Hello 2024. Lets reboot this newsletter one more time.

It’s the end of January and a fine happy new year to you all. I realise it’s nearly February but I have a valid reason for being late. There were… nazis.

Late last year, against my instincts because Substack has a history of being dicks, I rejoined Substack. I felt like I was failing as a writer by being out on my own. Maybe having the social network of Substack would help, despite the people who run it being dicks. I rejoined and a couple of months later the site had a nazi problem. Is it so surprising that a site run by people who are fine with transphobic content develops a nazi problem too?

So I left, again, at Christmas of all times.

I spent January trying to figure out where to host this newsletter. Balancing features, costs and options was tricky. Eventually my autistic side got lost in it all and I couldn’t make a decision on what to do next. Another week went by and slowly I managed to make a system that worked… hopefully. The people who make Ghost do not endorse this setup. So let’s see how this goes. An all new site, Pete.News. If you get this, do let me know if it's working OK.

Just for transparency, I’m still subscribed to newsletters on Substack. The writers are good. The technology is good. I don’t blame anyone for using it. Maybe have an exit plan.

If you’d like to read up on the Substack situation here are some solid links.

A small church is lit by evening sunlight and stands next to the Brooklyn Bridge. A couple of people walk past the church.A small church is lit by evening sunlight and stands next to the Brooklyn Bridge. A couple of people walk past the church.

No big story this week. This post is mainly a test to see if everything works OK. I have been having lots of thoughts over the past month so there’s stuff coming.

  • Yearly Theme Update
  • Starting ADHD meds (they came 5 months early!)
  • Getting hearing aids
  • Thoughts on dopamine sources
  • Something something LGBTQ+ History Month

If this system holds up, regular newsletters will be coming through Febuary via Pete.News.

Various buildings in Manhattan lit by the afternoon sun. One is twisty.

People walking across the Brooklyn Bridge in the afternoon sun.