New Year, who dis?

Happy New Year. My brain is telling me that logically nothing has changed since yesterday. This isn’t a magical reset day. We don’t exist in the Star Trek Voyager universe and maybe that’s for the best? Imagine being Harry Kim for 7 years. Yikes! Anywho just a quick note to say you are wonderful. Go easy on yourself this year.
Don’t over think New Year Resolutions if you plan to do one. In fact don’t do any because they are notoriously anxiety producing. “I didn’t hit my target in March! I’m a failure.” No! Enough of that nonsense. You are not a failure. Have a theme for the year instead. Year of calm. Year of health. Year of curiosity. If you would like to hear more thoughts on a yearly theme I can highly recommend the podcast Cortex and episode 110.

Remember, if you or your mate are in need of immediate help, CALM’s helpline and webchat are open 5pm to midnight every day 0800 58 58 58.

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