
Hello friend. Are you doing ok this week? I baked cookies this week. I’m calling the week a success. Here’s to next week! 🍪

My new bike just arrived and I cannot wait to go for a ride. My first was a gold tricycle. My second was a black BMX which I adored as a kid because of Street Hawk. It was stolen from our garage and our doberman slept through it. I was devastated. My third was a green Raleigh mountain bike which I had from aged 11 till maybe 37. I miss cycling.

Photo 18 Jun 2020 at 43951 pm.jpg

So I bought a Brompton, reluctantly. There’s a lot I love about them but the cost isn’t one and right now I’m not making any money. I also have a foot issue, plantar fasciitis, which is preventing me from running. If our house was bigger I’d have a much cheaper bike and space to leave it in the hall. But our house just isn’t suited to a full size road bike so Brompton. Still, ignoring the cost I am excited to get back out there on the bike. It is red and silver and I only just now realised the red harkens back to my first bike. Huh. I’m going to call it Discovery. 🖖 See you out there.

Remember to talk.  Mind  /  CALM  /  Samaritans .


I saw an interesting panel discussion this week about architecture and the media. A point was raised about the best way of representing architecture in photography. Do you show the beautiful space or the contextual use of the space? It is something I often think about with my work. Create a beautiful photograph of an amazing building or show pesky humans getting in the way? As someone interested in both design and documentary photography I hope I can try and blend the two in future work.

In that respect here are some photos of the Hallgrímskirkja Church in Iceland. A fantastic building that I was really excited to see during our stay there and the one featured at the top of this newsletter.


autism pride

Did you know that yesterday, 18th June, was Autistic Pride day? No, me neither and I’m autistic. So what does that mean? Do we say “Happy Autistic Pride Day!” Is there cake? There better be cake. I got my formal diagnosis 2 years ago so I’m still relatively new to the world of autism. The idea of celebrating the things that I’ve felt were wrong with myself over the years is a strange one. But I think that’s the point. Imagine living in a world of open Neurodiversity where your parents or teachers are able to spot that you might be autistic from an early age and have you formally diagnosed. Imagine growing up in a world where difference is celebrated. You end up growing up in a world where its ok to be autistic and there is support for any issues you may have.

Am I proud? Hmm. Kinda feels egotistical to answer that with a yes. I have to be proud though. I have to accept myself for who I am and be ok with that if I am to be useful in the world. If I want to be a better photographer I need to be proud of my core personality so I can create better photographs because photography isn’t just about pressing the “Take photo now” button. It’s a self portrait. So am I proud? I think I am. I wear a Pride Apple Watch strap as a symbol of acceptance and support for diversity. It takes time though and I’ve only been fully aware of who I am for 2 years. I’ve got 38 years to restructure in my head. It takes time.

This video may help to explain it better than I can.

Also this video by Les Miserabby – 30 Days of Autism Acceptance (what autistic pride means to me) – YouTube

All that said the disabled arts community is facing an incredibly tough time now.


Did you know that 30 years ago Sally Pride was the first American woman in space? Not only that but she was the first LGBTQ astronaut? I didn’t.

got cash?

I have a selection of Icelandic photographic prints for sale with my friends at Dorothy.

There is no paid subscription to this newsletter but there is a tip jar.


beam out

I am very excited for this new Star Wars: Squadrons game.