Has 5 years of cold water dipping liberated me from my fears? After five years of cold water dips am I a fearless functional human being or am I still failing at life?
Is Cold Water Dipping like BDSM? It's a bit unusual to go for a cold dip in a storm, but any more so than nipple clamps?
Taking the case off my phone What if I stopped worrying and started living? But what if something bad happens? But what if I miss out on living? But what if..
If it’s not depression it’s anxiety If I'm not depressed from a lack of commissioned work, I'm anxious when I am commissioned. Fun.
I put my arse in a thong for research purposes Have we lost the freedom we once had to be silly, to be outgoing, to be ourselves in public, or is my anxiety stuck on yellow alert?
Being interviewed for a national newspaper about anxiety Recently, an article went live on The Guardian looking at people who have faced anxiety head on, so they can enjoy open water swimming. I was one of those people featured in the article. The other stories are incredible, and I can’t recommend the article enough. So how did
Festival anxiety Anxiety has been getting to me of late. From issues with swimming during jellyfish season to hoping no-one is openly homophobic to me while walking around a city in a skirt, which unfortunately has happened. I’ve been having a bit of a year with my anxiety post Eurovision. I