Before the 5th anniversary of this newsletter I'm taking a month off to ponder what it is.

The future
In a couple of months this newsletter turns 5 and I’m left wondering, what was/is/will be this project. Is this a space for me to ponder? Is it good that I have a space to ponder or is it enabling my overthinking brain? What aspects of being neurodivergent and non-binary should I focus on? App reviews? I’m certainly good at being excited by new apps and then forgetting about them, so app reviews?
I’m pondering all this today because I’m going to pause the newsletter through September. I’ll be travelling a lot and it’s going to be tricky to publish anything. Instead of fighting bad wifi, I’m going to sit on a beach and think about the next 5 years of this project.
If you have any thoughts do get in touch. 🖖